
First Birthday Pics!!!!!

Finally getting them on here!!! (Graham has already changed so much since these pics, it's unbelievable how fast they grow!) Okay, enough from me...now from Graham, the ONE YEAR OLD!!!!!!!

Hi. You're about to see all of my bday events. The first ones are the day before my bday. Mommy took the day off and Pops came to town, so we went to the ZOO.  You already saw a couple of pics in the last post, but here are a few more.
Pops is telling me about the furry 4 legged animals called monkeys...
hmmm, and to think that I thought only dogs had 4 legs and fur.

This is really cool, check it out, yo. It's a monkey with a hot pink butt and a purple face.

Momma and me...with the gorillas.

Taking a break from my stroller and using my new skills of walking.

Sweet! Presents!!! I LOVE the guitar Aunt Lisa, Ryan, Lucy, and Max sent me! I'm such a rock star. AND look at my sweet outfit Aunt Lauren sent me. I'm like a California rocker. RAD. Nothing in my closet beats this tie-dye onesie, these dope Quiksilver board shorts, and my sweet Reefs.
Kali likes my new get-up too.

Cool, I guess it really is my birthday. Momma and Daddy made me birthday pancakes. Wonder if I can eat the candle too.

These are pretty good...want some?

I sure am a handsome birthday boy, doncha think?

Whoa, this is great! Water to splash in like Kali's bowls but way bigger! 
Kali likes this new present too. Glad she agrees with me on everything so far.



I can't get enough of this thing!!!!!!!!

Noni sent it to me, and oh my goodness, I could go around the backyard at least 400 MORE times!

OK, I guess Daddy and Pops are tired of pulling me around...
that's cool, I will just play with my water table from the wagon.

Dinner time!


alllllriiiggghhht...back to playing!

Whew. My tummy is full, gotta take a break.

Might as well get comfy too.

Kali! Com'ere! Let's play!

So, this is the next morning. I was too exhausted (and full) to have my birthday cake after all of that fun last night. (I ate a LOT of spaghetti. I mean, it's SO good.)

Mom, this isn't cool. But thanks for trying.

Seriously! Not a fan!

I'm all better now, folks. I'm having a great first year so far. I get to hang out everyday with my new buds Harrison, Weston, Collin, Zachary, and Onabella. Susie watches us at her house while Momma and Daddy work. Susie's cool. I like her. Way better than my last nanny. Alright, gotta go back to bed. Check ya later!!!

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