
Baby Cary's Boat Slip

As promised, we are finally posting pictures of the baby's room!!!

baby C's room
 (all millwork installed and painted by Daddy dearest)

the crib, with sailing photos above taken on Daddy's world travels

change station with lantern above - hung with sailing pulleys and shackels...and seashells inside the lantern from our Galveston babymoon

our comfy chair that I'm sure will get lots of late night use

baby C's dresser that was Daddy's as a little boy
(and the sailboat will eventually be hung on the wall above)

BABY STATUS UPDATE: We think Baby C will be making his appearance sooner than his due date! Cinco de Mayo?? If he doesn't arrive on his own, we are on the list to go into the hospital on Sunday so that I can be induced on Monday! We can't believe that we are going to meet our baby boy this week!!!!!!!!!!

NAME UPDATE: You have to wait and be surprised!!!!!! :)


  1. Love, love, LOVE it!!! Not that I would expect anything less...you guys are SO talented!!! I can't wait to hear the news. EXCITING!!!!!!
    Hugs and kisses from this part of the country : )

  2. I love the nursery! It is so beautiful and it will be even better when Baby C is here! Hope these last few days are going well and we are super excited to hear about his entrance. Lots of prayers!!!! Love from the Whytlaws!
