So much has happened since last October when I last updated....including the beautiful new member of our family that we added. Graham's a big brother!!!
Caroline Grace arrived May 2, 2012 at 8:36am....was 8lbs, 5 oz, 20-3/4"long and as perfect as can be! She's now 18 days old, and keeps proving to be a sweet little angel baby. She eats and sleeps like a champ, is super laid back, and I think thrives off the chaos of the little 2 year old running around in circles around her! Sweet baby has a little congestion, which has been causing her to be a tiny bit fussy, but all in all she's beautiful and amazing in every way. I often look at her and can't believe she's really ours.
Graham meeting Caroline for the first time
As for the little two year old, we just celebrated Graham's birthday and can't believe he's TWO! Caroline came home from the hospital on the 4th, and we celebrated Graham's bday with a little party for him on the 6th! Everyone told me I was crazy for doing it, but so glad we did it, because he had a blast with the attention on him for the day, and got lots of new distractions to play with! I hadn't really thought of that, but that worked out perfectly! So when sibling rivalry hits, it's easy to find something new to entertain with! Yessss.
It's not all rivalry though...Graham loooovess his baby sister or "sissy". He gives her hundreds of kisses every day and talks to her in a cute little baby voice. Of course, he tends to get a little too rough at times while being sweet, but that goes along with little boys I guess.
G holding Caroline and showing her how his jeep works
Ok, I'm rambling, so I'll skip to some other highlights in the last 6+ months (sorry if this isn't news to you but just want to make sure that I have some deets on here for the sake of looking back):
-Graham experienced his first Trick or Treating experience on Halloween...he was a Chick Fil A cow!
-Thanksgiving was spent in Dallas...we had a nice relaxing day at Emmy's, and Pops was in town for it as well!
-We had our little family of 3 Christmas in Dallas, and also at Mom's with Lauren via skype, and then it was an Ohio Christmas this year....we had a great time hanging out with the family and the cousins are all so cute together! Our big Christmas gift that we opened on Christmas day was finding out that our baby was a GIRL! Such excitement! (the Ohio pics are too large for me to upload! They were all taken on the real camera vs the iphone, which is what most of these are taken on. BOO.) We flew up to Ohio and drove back to Texas...stopped in Nashville on the way home.
G's obsession with trains begins around now
-Jan-April: I grew and we stayed put for the most part! Getting things done around the house, getting babies rooms ready, and staying busy with all of that! Pictures of rooms to follow.
pics taken approx 5 months along, and then the day of checking into the hospital!
-Aunt Lauren came and stayed with us for 10 days as soon as Caroline was GREAT having her in town!
-We are looking forward to Noni's visit in a month, and then having Grandma Judy and Aunt Lisa soon after!!
-Mark and I are still working together at Looney, and it's still great!
-However, I'm on maternity leave till August and so happy about spending the summer with my babies!
OK, that's all for now! Except for a few more of my favorites! I wish I could add 100 more, but these will have to do for now :)
Graham and his bud Nash in Graham's other obsession: the Jeep
Kali remains a best bud of G-man
a self portrait of our crazy family of 4 (with Kali) right before the 5th arrived!
And for my MOST FAVORITE.............